July 15, 2018
A mini-workshop organized within the Horizon2020-RISE project "Periodically Bent Crystals for Crystalline Undulators" (PEARL), supported by the European Commission, took place at the Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Mainz (Mainz, Germany) on July 06, 2018.
Professor Hartmut Backe and Dr. Werner Lauth from the University of Mainz and Dr. Alexei Sytov from UNIFE-INFN (Ferrara, Italy) gave talks about recent and ongoing channeling experiments with planar and bent crystals at the Mainz Microtron MAMI. Professor Andrey Solov'yov gave a talk on simulations of channeling and radiation processes in crystals with MBN Explorer. Professors Victor Tikhomirov, Sergey Maksimenko and Alexander Lobko from the Institute for Nuclear Problems, Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus) talked about theoretical models and simulations of the interaction of high-energy electron and x-ray radiation with crystals. Finally, Professor Nigel Mason from the Open University/University of Kent, UK gave a talk about potential application of crystalline undulators in high-energy astrophysics research.
After the meeting a guided tour to the MAMI accelerator was organized by Dr. Lauth, which followed by a group dinner at the traditional German restaurant "Zum Gebirg".
A scientific program of the meeting can be found here.