February 01, 2020
The Sixth International Conference "Dynamics of Systems on the Nanoscale" (DySoN 2020) will take place in Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy on November 23-27, 2020. The conference announcements can be found here. The detailed information about the conference, including the list of confirmed speakers, can be found on the web-portal of the DySoN conference series.
The DySoN 2020 Conference will promote the growth and exchange of interdisciplinary scientific information on the structure formation and dynamics of animate and inanimate matter on the nanometer scale. A detailed understanding of the structure and dynamics of complex many-body systems (e.g. atomic and molecular clusters, nanostructures, ensembles of nanoparticles, nanomaterials, biomolecules, biomolecular systems, etc.) on the nanometer scale is a difficult and fundamental task, the solution of which is necessary in numerous applications of nano- and biotechnology, materials science and medicine.
DySoN 2020 will also provide a platform to host discussions about current research, technological challenges and related initiatives within the Topical Areas of the DySoN Conference Series.