April 13, 2020
Prof. Andrey Solov’yov and Dr. Alexey Verkhovtsev (MBN Research Center) together with Prof. Nigel Mason (University of Kent, UK) co-organize the international workshop on "Multiscale modeling of irradiation-driven processes for emerging technologies" under the auspices of the Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire (CECAM).
The workshop will take place at the CECAM Headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland during January 27-29, 2021.
The workshop will bring together expert theoreticians, experimentalists and technologists studying material properties and irradiation-driven processes relevant to selected emerging technologies (surface deposition techniques, nanofabrication, 3D nanoprinting using focused electron and ion beams, construction of novel light sources). It will provide a forum for discussion of the current state-of-the-art, theoretical, experimental and technological challenges and possible multiscale computational solutions to address these challenges.
Further information regarding the workshop is available on the dedicated Workshop webpage of the CECAM website.