October 10, 2016
The fourth International Conference "Dynamics of Systems on the Nanoscale" (DySoN 2016) took place in Bad Ems, Germany, during October 3-7, 2016. The venue was the historical Häcker's Grand Hotel, which in former times has accommodated members of European royal families, noblemen and famous writers and musicians.
During the conference, experimental, theoretical and applied aspects of various problems related to the structure formation and dynamics of animate and inanimate matter on the nano- and mesoscales scale have been discussed. Particular attention has been devoted to the many-body effects taking place in various Meso-Bio-Nano systems. These included problems of structure formation, collisions and fragmentation, surfaces and interfaces, collective electron excitations, reactivity, nanoscale phase and morphological transitions, irradiation-driven transformations of complex molecular systems, biodamage, channeling phenomena and many more.
DySoN 2016 aimed at highlighting the breakthroughs achieved within the currently running COST Action CM1301 CELINA - "Chemistry for ELectron-Initiated Nanolithography", and the project FP7-ITN-ARGENT-608163 - "Advanced Radiotherapy, Generated by Exploiting Nanoprocesses and Technologies". The mini-workshop "Periodically bent crystals for crystalline undulators", held within the HORIZON 2020 RISE-PEARL-690991 project, was also linked to the conference.
DySoN 2016 gathered 60 researchers from 15 countries and 4 continents. The meeting was organized by the MBN Research Center.
Conference program and the book of abstracts can be downloaded from the DySoN 2016 webpage.